Postal Entry Option

If you would like to enter any of our competitions by free postal method, then please send a postcard or letter via 1st or 2nd class post stating which competition you would like to take part in along with your personal details as follows,

  • Full Name
  • Date of Birth
  • Postal Address
  • Email address
  • One contact number.
  • The game ID - found above the description in the competition

One Entry per Postcard or letter posted.

Postal entries are limited to the maximum ticket amount as set out per individual per Competition.

All details must be either typed or clearly written, we cannot accept any postal entries if the writing on your postcard is not readable. If we receive 1 postcard in the post containing multiple entries this will not comply with the above terms and conditions.

Send entries to:

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner Ltd
20-22 Wenlock Road

All postal entries must be received before the close of the competition, any entries that fail to follow the criteria above will be void. A random number in the draw will be allocated to each postal Entrant by the Promoter and all free postal entries will be treated in exactly the same way as paid Entries.

In the interest of fairness, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner reserves the right to ban anybody that is suspected of misuse, cheating or automating entries. Any automated entries or suspected automated entries will not be accepted and anybody suspected or deemed to be attempting to make automated entries will be permanently banned from Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. Automated entries can include but is not limited to; printing post cards in volume, use of a franking machine or use of business postage solutions.

If in the event a Competition has sold out before a postal entry has been received, Winner Winner Chicken Dinner will honour the price of the postage stamp as credit onto the customers account if the above Terms and Conditions have been followed.

The Promoter will not be held responsible for any free postal Entries which do not arrive before the Competition closes. A Competition may close due to all Entries being allocated or the countdown timer of the Competition reaching zero.

Entrants MUST have an active account on our website at the time the postal entries are processed, all details on postcards MUST match the name and address on the account to which they are to be added. Please register a free account in the My Account section of the website.

If we have reason to believe one person is attempting to enter using multiple names and addresses all associated entries will be voided, as per the paid entry route. For our full terms and conditions click here

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner